Voice of BMPS
BMPS is the main professional body and scientific organization, founded in 2009. It is the voice of medical physicists practicing in Bangladesh. BMPS is charged with a mission to start medical physics practice in Bangladesh by disseminating scientific and technical information, fostering the educational and professional development of medical physics and promoting the highest quality medical services for patients.
BMPS has stated objectives to encourage the application of physics in medicine.
- To promote medical physics education and training and related activities in Bangladesh;
Welcome Message
Medical Physics is primarily an applied branch of physics and deals with the application of physical principles to the diagnosis and treatment of human disease. It encompasses those branches of medical physics that are generally referred to as therapeutic medical physics, diagnostic medical physics, medical nuclear physics, radiation protection and the combined field of medical physics.
According to the revised definition provided by International Organization for Medical Physicists “Medical Physicists apply knowledge and methodology of science of physics to all aspects of medicine to conduct research,
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History of BMPS
In Bangladesh, the first activities of Medical Physics education started in 1994 at the Physics Department of the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). In 1996, a co-operation in conference/workshop and training of Medical Physics between Bangladesh and Germany was started by the Task Group-K16 “Medical Physics in the Developing Countries” of the German Society for Medical Physics (DGMP). Five seminars/workshops were organized in Bangladesh between 1996 and 2000 and attended by 70-80 participants in each year (physicists and radio-oncologists) with the initiative of Prof. Dr. Golam Abu Zakaria.